Asked Questions
In our FAQs you will learn everything you need to know about AgraCheck.

Why is AgraCheck for free?

We would like to make our service available to farmers free of charge, as this will enable us to reach as many farms as possible. At a later stage, companies are to pay for the forwarding of contacts. As we are currently still in the development phase, our offer is currently free of charge for all participants.

Does AgraCheck show all products from all manufacturers?

Yes! Our claim is to display all currently available products. We strive to put more products online every day. Please note that this is an ongoing process. Unfortunately, despite extensive research, we cannot rule out the possibility that individual products may be missing from time to time. We are grateful for every tip and will add your suggestion to our database after checking it.

I have found an error. Where can I report it?

From time to time, errors creep in or manufacturers make statements that turn out to be incorrect, for example regarding compatibility. If you have found a mistake or have had different experiences on your farm, please let us know and inform us at info@agracheck.de. By doing so, you will help other farmers to get real and field-tested information. We are happy about every message.

Is AgraCheck independent?

Yes! With us there are no investments from the industry, and we always provide you with all product information, regardless of whether we have a cooperation with a supplier. Because our goal is to find the really suitable solution for every problem and to offer a complete market overview.

Why do you show cooperation partners first?

Since AgraCheck is independent, we would like to cooperate in principle with all manufacturers of smart farming technologies. However, not all manufacturers want to cooperate with us, because cooperation partners should pay for the forwarding of requests in the future. To create incentives to cooperate with us, we offer the following benefits to cooperation partners: - Priority positioning with the product list - Verified information - Possibility to display images - Forwarding button to own website

What happens to my data?

The protection of your data is our top priority. Therefore, we host AgraCheck 100% on servers within the European Union and thus ensure compliance with the GDPR. Furthermore, we do not use big data octopuses like Google Analytics. Personal data is only forwarded to the respective provider for contact after a request. Otherwise, no personal data is passed on to third parties. Only anonymized data is evaluated to improve the performance of our website.

Where do you get the product information from?

The information is researched by our team of experts and then made available to the providers for verification. Not all suppliers are willing to verify the product information researched by us. Therefore, verified product information is marked with the label "manufacturer information". If information has not been checked by the manufacturer, you can recognize this by the gray label "Data from supplier website". We are working hard to implement automated updates, but it can happen that information is not up to date. Therefore, we can not (yet) guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information provided.

What happens when I select "Send my request to similar manufacturers"?

When you request a product on AgraCheck, you can optionally select that your request is also sent to suppliers of similar products. In this case, we will select up to three other suppliers who offer a similar product and forward your request to them. They will then have the opportunity to contact you for a quote or a consultation. This saves you the stress of having to contact several providers individually.

What's the business model of AgraCheck

We have established partnerships with individual manufacturers. You can recognize our partners by the fact that their products carry the green label "manufacturer information". If you are interested in a product and visit the website of the supplier or send an inquiry, AgraCheck receives a commission. Verified suppliers are listed by us with priority. In addition, against payment, they have the opportunity to be displayed first in the product overview. If a partner has paid us for product placement, you can recognize this by the yellow label "sponsored".

How can I list products on AgraCheck?

Please contact our support: info@agracheck.de Please note that we can only include products whose parent product category we have already included in the system. If this is not yet the case, we will record your request and come back to you at a later time.

Who's behind AgraCheck?

AgraCheck was founded by Florian, Sebastian and Matthias. You can find more information here: About us
Your questions are not answered here? Text us: info@agracheck.de