Our vision
Enabling sustainable agriculture using smart technologies.
We get digital technologies on the farm.
Our goal is to make new agricultural technologies easily accessible. With AgraCheck, you can quickly and reliably find new technologies for your farm and make independent, informed purchasing decisions. Every day, we try to find out more about the needs of farmers so that we can support them even better. Because only when new technologies reach the field can we achieve the sustainable transformation of agriculture.

The founders

Business DevelopmentFlorian Stark
Product DevelopmentSebastian Lieder
IT DevelopmentMatthias Hamborg
Web Development
Mahja Sarschar
Web Development
Jonas Fischer
Freelancer Product Development
Steffen Konnemann
UI/UX DesignTorben Trauernicht
Advisory Board
Industry expert
Dr. Johannes Sonnen
Agriculture expertDr. Marieke Baaken
Marketing expert
Dr. Sue Rossano-Rivero
Accelerators & funds
AgraCheck was part of the Plug and Play Agtech Accelerator Batch 7Plug and PlayPlug and Play is one of the largest global startup accelerator and venture capital firms. Plug and Play helps young companies like AgraCheck grow by providing them with funding, mentorship and connections to investors and industry experts.
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AgraCheck is part of the network Digital Agriculture Bavariabayern innovativThe Competence Network Digital Agriculture Bavaria (KNeDL) of Bayern Innovativ GmbH is an initiative of the State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry of Bavaria. It serves as an open network of interested parties on current topics and a source of inspiration for decision-makers in the agricultural sector and politics. The aim is to identify market and technology trends at an early stage, to uncover and communicate the need for action, and to analyze developments and highlight their consequences.
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AgraCheck was a participant of the Rentenbank Bootcamp 2022Rentenbank BootcampThe Bootcamp of Rentenbank is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Food and aims to promote AgriFood startups in a 3-day workshop. In the TechQuartier in Frankfurt, we discussed with investors, industry experts and politicians about the challenges of the industry.
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AgraCheck ist Teil des Netzwerk Digitale Landwirtschaft Bayernbayern innovativDas Kompetenz- Netzwerk Digitale Landwirtschaft Bayern (KNeDL) der Bayern Innovativ GmbH ist eine Initiative des Staatsministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten. Es dient als offenes Netzwerk von Interessierten zu aktuellen Themen und Impulsgeber für Entscheidungsträger in Agrarbranche und Politik. Damit sollen Markt- und Technologietrends frühzeitig erkannt, Handlungsbedarfe aufgedeckt und kommuniziert sowie Entwicklungen analysiert und Konsequenzen aufgezeigt werden.
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AgraCheck was funded by the EXIST-EXIST start-up grantEXISTAgraCheck was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection and the European Social Fund as part of the EXIST program. The program supports the founders with a 12-month scholarship, coaching and material budget, as well as offices and consulting provided by Munich University of Applied Sciences.
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AgraCheck is part of the Accelerator Program of the Seedhouse OsnabrückSeedhouseWe were part of the eighth batch of the Seedhouse Accelerator program. The Seedhouse is an association of 32 well-known companies from the agricultural, food and digital industries and is funded by the state of Lower Saxony. It supported us with an extensive network, office infrastructure, know-how, coaching and financial resources.
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AgraCheck is sponsored by the University of Applied Sciences MunichStart-up CertificateFrom October 2021 to September 2022, AgraCheck was part of the Start-up Certificate of the Munich University of Applied Sciences (HM) and received universal Start-up support as part of an accelerator program of HM and the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship. This included consulting, budget, workstations, workshops, events and networking.
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Strascheg Award in the category "Best Business Idea from Science and PracticeStrascheg AwardThe Strascheg Award is the Munich University of Applied Sciences' ideas competition and is awarded in three categories for innovative business ideas. Projects and scientific work that are driven forward with entrepreneurial motivation are eligible to apply. In the category "Best business idea from science and practice", AgraCheck 2021 won.
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Semifinals of the German Agri Start-up AwardsGerman Agri Start-up AwardThe Innovate Convention in Osnabrück is an event for startups and innovation in the agrifood industry. Every year, the event honors the best startups in the food, digital and agribusiness categories. In the latter category, AgraCheck made it to the semi-finals in 2021.
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The idea to AgraCheck was born in an innovation competitionDeutschland 4.0The Deutschland 4.0 Challenge is a nationwide innovation competition in cooperation with former Minister of State Dorothee Bär. This is where the idea for AgraCheck was born. In the process, AgraCheck was among the best six teams and was thus able to secure start-up capital. Following the innovation competition, the idea then became a start-up project.
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Unser Team
Business Development
Florian Stark
Product DevelopmentSebastian Lieder
IT Development
Matthias Hamborg
Advisory Board
Branchen-ExperteJohannes Sonnen
Landwirtschafts-ExpertinMarieke Baaken