Climate Solution Agranimo GmbH


Irrigation management

Integration of external stations possible

Frost forecast

Prediction optimal irrigation time

Irrigation History

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Agranimo focuses on irrigation management, yield forecasting and sustainability reporting.

Our main focus areas are irrigation management, crop protection (frost warning, integrated pest management), yield forecasting and sustainability reporting. We are constantly innovating, field testing and partnering to ensure our customers receive the best and most effective service.

We have pioneered a service to estimate orchard yields from leaf samples. The service is currently in the commercial testing phase. Contact us to participate for free and receive discounts on the service in the future. We combine weekly ET calculated from satellite data, weather information, and your selected crop and soil characteristics to automatically create a weekly irrigation schedule specific to your field.


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This information was last taken from the manufacturer's website on 10/11/2023. All data without guarantee.


Phone support

Mail support


Browser application

Climate assessment

Growth Degree Days

Refrigeration units

Refrigerated portions

Accumulated cold hours

Temperature sum

Wet bulb temperature


Dew point

Frost forecast

Frost forecast

Forecast period (h)



Basis of the prediction

Machine Learning
The model was developed using advanced statistical and machine learning methods and trained on millions of data points from our various sites.

Irrigation management

Irrigation management

Crops for irrigation management

Different cultures
The supplier does not provide more detailed information on the available crops. In general, however, irrigation management can be used for a wide variety of crops.

Available irrigation indicators

Infiltration, saturation, daily rate of soil water loss, water balance.
  • Infiltration: Indicates how much water is wasted based on field capacity.
  • Saturation: How much time is spent with water levels above field capacity
  • Daily rate of soil water loss: a comparative indicator between irrigation frequencies in different sectors.
  • Water balance (evapotranspiration per irrigation): Allows a comparison between the different sectors to assess how effectively the plants use the water.

Prediction optimal irrigation time

Irrigation History

Automatic control irrigation system

Disease Models

Disease forecasting

Recommendation treatment time

General data acquisition

Air temperature

Operating temperature range: -40° to +125°C, temperature resolution of ±0.3°C; deviation of less than 0.03°C per year; fully calibrated and assembled in-house, as well as linearized and temperature compensated; Manufacturer: Agranimo


Relative humidity from 1 to 100%; humidity resolution of ±2%.

Air pressure


Daily rainfall: 0.0 mm to 999.8 mm; Accuracy: For rainfall up to 50 mm/hour: ±4% or 0.2mm measurement deviation; Manufacturer: Davis Instruments

Wind speed

Measuring range of wind speed: 0.5 to 30 m/s; wind speed with an accuracy of: +-3 m/s or 5% deviation; Manufacturer: ARGENT Data Systems

Wind direction

Wind direction: 0 to 360°; Accuracy wind direction: +- 10°; Manufacturer: ARGENT Data Systems

Wind gusts

Soil temperature

Soil temperature resolution of 1/16°C, runtime of 1.5 years with 3 AAA batteries, update interval 15 minutes, manufacturer: Agranimo

Soil moisture

8096-step resolution, runtime of 1.5 years with 3 AAA batteries, update interval 15 minutes, manufacturer: Agranimo

Irradiation values

Measuring range: 0 to 1300 W/m^2; Accuracy: 3 W/m^2; Accuracy: +-6 %; Manufacturer: Agranimo

Leaf moisture

Measuring range: 0 to 1; Threshold value for wet/dry selectable; Material: Highly sensitive gold-coated mesh; Manufacturer: Agranimo

Dew point temperature

Software functions

Weather forecast

Notifications in case of value overrun

Alerts are available via email, SMS , mobile app and automatic call.

Integration of external stations possible


Climate Solution Agranimo GmbH


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