Agvolution GmbH

CLIMAVI Microclimate

Irrigation management

Irradiation values

Air temperature

Soil temperature

Stock temperature

Connection to farm management systems

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Insight into inventory and soil

How much water is still available? Thanks to the patented measuring method, you know exactly what influence the microclimate has on your plants. Thanks to the latest wireless technology, all data is transmitted live free of charge and evaluated in the app. The transmitter unit consists of the CLIMAVI One for data transmission and the CLIMAVI Soil. Using the optimized FDR method, the soil moisture is recorded at different measuring depths of -10, -30 and -45 cm. Additional sensors measure the climate in the existing building. All units are powered by photovoltaics. The data is automatically sent to the cloud via NB-IoT and is therefore available on the web and smartphone.

Share data with friends and partners via the app

The data is available free of charge in FARMALYZER (browser and app) and can be shared with any number of friends and partners. No further subscriptions, licenses or fees are required. Application maps for irrigation and fertilization can also be created.

Zugriff teilen

Teile die Daten mit beliebig vielen Nutzern. Uneingeschränkter Export inklusive.

Die Sendeeinheit besteht aus dem CLIMAVI One zur Datenübertragung und dem CLIMAVI Soil. Durch das optimierte FDR Verfahren wird auf verschiedenen Messtiefen in -10, -30 und -45cm die Bodenfeuchte erfasst.

Weitere Sensoren messen das Klima im Bestand. Alle Einheiten werden per Photovoltaik mit Energie versorgt. Der Versand der Daten erfolgt automatisch per NB-IoT in die Cloud und steht dadurch im Web und Smartphone zur Verfügung.

  • Bodenfeuchte auf -10, -30 und -45cm
  • Bodentemperatur auf -10, -30 und -45cm
  • Lufttemperatur
  • Luftfeuchte
  • Globale Strahlung
  • Photovoltaikzellen und Energiespeicher
  • Mobilfunk Konnektivität (LTE-M, Nb-IoT, GSM)-
  • Optional: LoRa-Wan oder Mioty
  • Datenzugriff und Sensormanagement in iOS und Android Apps-
  • IoT-Browser Dashboard und API


  • 1 x CLIMAVI One
  • 1 x CLIMAVI Soil
  • 1 x M12 Datenkabel



per unit


This information has been reviewed and verified by the manufacturer. All data without guarantee.


Phone support

Mail support

On-site support

Remote maintenance



Browser application

In FARMALYZER (browser and app), the data is available free of charge and can be shared with any number of friends and partners. No further subscriptions, licenses or fees are necessary. Additionally, application maps for irrigation and fertilization can be created.


In FARMALYZER (browser and app), the data is available free of charge and can be shared with any number of friends and partners. No further subscriptions, licenses or fees are necessary. Additionally, application maps for irrigation and fertilization can be created.


In FARMALYZER (browser and app), the data is available free of charge and can be shared with any number of friends and partners. No further subscriptions, licenses or fees are necessary. Additionally, application maps for irrigation and fertilization can be created.

Desktop application

Place of data storage


Climate assessment

Growth Degree Days

Refrigeration units

Refrigerated portions

Accumulated cold hours

Temperature sum

Wet bulb temperature


Dew point

Improving local forecasts

Irrigation management

Irrigation management

Recommendations for irrigation.

Crops for irrigation management

Wheat, barley, canola, beets, corn, legumes, potatoes, vegetables, catch crops, specialty crops, tree crops, urban plants.

Available irrigation indicators

volumetric moisture, usable field capacity

Overview map irrigation sites

Overview live irrigation

Prediction optimal irrigation time

Water requirements and irrigation times can be determined on a site-specific basis. This enables irrigation to be carried out in line with requirements. A link with external irrigation starters is possible.

Sub-area specific irrigation

Water requirements and irrigation times can be determined on a site-specific basis. This enables irrigation to be carried out in line with requirements. A link with external irrigation starters is possible.

Irrigation History

Automatic control irrigation system

Disease Models

Disease forecasting

Application card output

Ecosystem modeling enables site-specific fertilizer planning adapted to the environmental factors. In particular, the natural mineralization of nitrogen can be determined in the models and is included in the forecast.

Recommendation treatment time

Agronomic assistance

Recommendation on sowing time

Recommendation on fertilization measures

The measured microclimate data are used to recommend fertilization measures in the FARMALYZER platform. By measuring soil moisture and temperature, for example, nitrogen mineralization can be determined.

Forecast harvest time

By modeling the environmental factors, the influence on plant growth is determined. This makes it possible to forecast the time and quantity of harvest.

Frost forecast

Frost forecast


General data acquisition

Air temperature


Air pressure


Wind speed

Wind direction

Wind gusts

Soil temperature

available as extension, customized length up to 90cm depth (measuring heights in 10, 30, 45, 60, 90 centimeters)

Soil moisture

available as extension, customized length up to 90cm depth (measuring heights in 10, 30, 45, 60, 90 centimeters)

Irradiation values

Leaf moisture

available as extension

Dew point temperature

Stock temperature

Stock moisture

Software functions

Weather forecast

The weather data of the DWD (and other systems) are extended with the measurements of the CLIMAVI. This will allow for improved accuracy and inclusion of microclimate. Spatial weather and microclimate data grids are also enabled.

Historical weather data

The weather data of the DWD (and other systems) are extended with the measurements of the CLIMAVI. This will allow for improved accuracy and inclusion of microclimate. Spatial weather and microclimate data grids are also enabled.

Real time weather data from the region

The weather data of the DWD (and other systems) are extended with the measurements of the CLIMAVI. This will allow for improved accuracy and inclusion of microclimate. Spatial weather and microclimate data grids are also enabled.

Notifications in case of value overrun

Rule-based, alarm function according to threshold values

Integration of external stations possible

Climate sensors from a wide range of suppliers can be integrated and connected (I2C, Modbus, SDI-12). The data is also transmitted via mobile radio.

Employee Access

Access to the sensor data is defined in the APP. This allows employees or consultants to access the selected data.

Connection to farm management systems

Mainly made for the in-house Farmalyzer software, but also compatible with other FMIS (hardware-side: I2C, Modbus, SDI-12, analog and digital, software-side: CSV, XML, Geojson, Geopackage, shp, etc.).


Agvolution GmbH


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