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Economic zone evaluation

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Application maps for fungicides

Fertilizer cards - basic fertilization

Recommendation fertilizer quantities

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Use application maps to apply fertilizer on a site-specific basis.

In ANA you have several functions, among others the creation of nitrogen application maps. You can create them based on the zoning of the nutrient maps and download them as a shape or ISO-xml file. You decide the application rates yourself. However, the ANA nutrient maps offer you additional supporting information that you can include in your decision. You simply enter the amounts for the main nutrient in the fertilizer, the corresponding amount of the other nutrients contained in the fertilizer and the final amount of the total fertilizer are then calculated automatically.

Satellite images and weather data for a variable nutrient map

ANA gives you a detailed insight into the nutrient supply of your crop. It is based on a service that uses learning algorithms in combination with satellite imagery and weather data to generate a variable nutrient map. Precise nutrient quantification, scaled to field level, enables the right decisions to be made for site-specific fertilization.

The nutritional status of the plants is displayed in kg/ha with a click.

With ANA, the current nutritional status of the crop can be retrieved in absolute kg/ha, simply by clicking - without laboratory testing and without having to buy or rent an expensive sensor. This distinguishes ANA from other satellite-based services that only provide a biomass or chlorophyll index, but not an actual, absolute amount.

Punches can be created quickly and easily in 3 steps. The automatic detection of the field boundaries by clicking on the map

  1. Uploading a file - different formats are supported, regardless of whether it contains only one beat or several beats
  2. Draw in the boundary using the drawing tool.
  3. Select which analysis you want to perform for the field. You will receive nitrogen maps and soon also soil productivity maps immediately after completing the order.

The blow is divided into three nitrogen zones

You will get, just like in the P-K-MG-S (Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Sulfur) analysis, three nitrogen zone maps for your blow:

  • Current nutrient uptake (kg/ha) Current plant growth (t/ha) Current undersupply (kg/ha)

The number of zones can vary from 1 to 10, depending on how finely graded fertilizer is to be applied. If 1 zone is selected, you will get an averaged value for the whole field. This variant is especially useful when the spreader or sprayer cannot technically implement variable application.




for Hectar

Price depends on the size of the company

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This information has been reviewed and verified by the manufacturer. All data without guarantee.

Other subarea-specific functions

Economic zone evaluation

Soil productivity map: Plant growth in a field is often highly variable. Our soil productivity map identifies growth differences from a long-term satellite data observation. It divides each field into zones of high and low productivity - regardless of the crop grown and the weather conditions in each year.


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Browser application



Type of data imports

.shp, automatic detection, manual drawing in

Plant protection functions

Application maps for fungicides

Infection Risk Map:This risk map allows users to identify the probability of plant disease infection in different zones in a field. Disease risk is estimated based on current leaf area index (or dry matter), soil productivity map, and field topography. Disease risk scores are comparable across multiple fields with the same crop species within a given region. Differences are reported as percentages.

Fertilizer functions

Fertilizer cards - basic fertilization

The nitrogen uptake map shows the amount of nitrogen in kg/ha that plants have taken up from fertilizers, mineralization and other sources. These sources include, for example, Nmin content, fixed nitrogen from legume cultivation or atmospheric inputs, the availability of which is influenced by weather conditions and soil properties.

Recommendation fertilizer quantities

N undersupply map:The nitrogen undersupply map shows the current difference to an optimal nitrogen supply in kg/ha. When calculating the undersupply, all influencing variables such as mineralization etc. are taken into account that have affected the field up to the time of the last usable satellite image. This map can be used as a basis for plant demand-oriented fertilizer applications.


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