Agvolution GmbH

CLIMAVI Weatherstation

Growth Degree Days

Dew point

Weather forecast

Irrigation management

Employee Access

Historical weather data

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CLIMAVI Weatherstation

The actual precipitation can vary greatly. With the Climavi weather station, you can now measure the local weather and take regional differences into account. This gives you a better data basis for making decisions and optimal planning.

Simple installation

Quick installation and no hassle with SIM cards or changing batteries.

Without hidden costs

Free data transfer and unlimited access in the app and browser.

Share access

Share the data with any number of users. Unlimited export included.

The CLIMAVI Weatherstation consists of a tripod with a CLIMAVI One, Davis precipitation sensor and Davis wind sensor. It can be set up anywhere within a few minutes. The sensors are energy self-sufficient and send their data free of charge via NB-IoT networks to the app and dashboard in the browser.

  • Precipitation rate
  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Temperatur
  • Humidity
  • Global radiation
  • Photovoltaic cells
  • Energy storage


  • 1 x CLIMAVI one
  • 1 x Davis Aerocone
  • 1 x Davis Anemometer
  • 2 x M12 data cable
  • 1 x Tripod M
  • 1 x Installation arm
  • 1 x Davis bracket
  • Pricing


    per unit


    This information has been reviewed and verified by the manufacturer. All data without guarantee.


    Phone support

    Mail support

    On-site support

    Remote maintenance




    John Deere Operations Center




    Disease Models

    Disease forecasting

    Application card output

    Recommendation treatment time

    Agronomic assistance

    Recommendation on sowing time

    Recommendation on fertilization measures

    Forecast harvest time

    Frost forecast

    Frost forecast


    Climate assessment

    Growth Degree Days

    Refrigeration units

    Refrigerated portions

    Accumulated cold hours

    Temperature sum

    Wet bulb temperature


    Dew point

    Improving local forecasts

    Software functions

    Weather forecast

    Historical weather data

    Real time weather data from the region

    Notifications in case of value overrun

    Integration of external stations possible

    Employee Access

    Connection to farm management systems

    Irrigation management

    Irrigation management

    Crops for irrigation management

    Potato, beetroot, maize, wheat, barley, rye, rapeseed

    Available irrigation indicators

    Volumetric moisture, usable field capacity

    Overview map irrigation sites

    Overview live irrigation

    Prediction optimal irrigation time

    Sub-area specific irrigation

    Irrigation History

    Automatic control irrigation system

    General data acquisition

    Air temperature


    Air pressure


    Wind speed

    Wind direction

    Wind gusts

    Soil temperature

    Soil moisture

    Irradiation values

    Leaf moisture

    Dew point temperature

    Stock temperature

    Stock moisture


    Agvolution GmbH


    Founding year:


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