Dacom farm intelligence B.V.

Dacom Wetterstation

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Weather forecast

Soil moisture

Soil temperature

Dew point temperature



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The most accurate and reliable measurement of weather data

An advanced weather station that very accurately measures weather data at a location in your field. The weather data is sent to your own user account via 3G/4G.

  • Current and historical weather data
  • Solar operation
  • Access to our online platform
  • With 2 or 5 sensors
  • Detailed graphics per parameter
  • Competent advice

ThePro version has no less than 5 sensors and is therefore the best station to optimally react to theWeather conditionsto react.

Detailed information on our online platform

There you will find comprehensive information about the measurement data of your station. They are displayed in detailed graphs and tables that you can easily export.


With the purchase of the station you get access to our online platform and weather app. There are no costs associated with this. You only pay a fixed annual fee for the data traffic of the SIM card.

Detaillierte Informationen auf unserer Online-Plattform

Dort finden Sie umfassende Informationen über die Messdaten Ihrer Station. Sie werden in detaillierten Grafiken und Tabellen angezeigt, die Sie einfach exportieren können.


Mit dem Kauf der Station erhalten Sie Zugriff auf unsere Online-Plattform und Wetter-App. Damit sind keine Kosten verbunden. Sie zahlen nur eine feste Jahresgebühr für den Datenverkehr der SIM-Karte.


Upon request

Do you want a specific price? Get your individual offer now!



This information has been reviewed and verified by the manufacturer. All data without guarantee.


Phone support

Mail support

On-site support

Remote maintenance



Browser application



Place of data storage


General data acquisition

Air temperature

Optionally available: plus 50€


Air pressure


Wind speed

Wind direction

Wind gusts

Soil temperature

when purchased together with soil moisture sensor

Soil moisture

when purchased together with soil moisture sensor

Irradiation values

Leaf moisture

Dew point temperature

Stock temperature

Stock moisture

Software functions

Weather forecast

Historical weather data

Real time weather data from the region

Integration of external stations possible


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Dacom farm intelligence B.V.


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