Andre Geckeler

Der Drohnenservice

Sowing catch crops

Detection of game damage

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The drone service

    Are you a full-time or part-time farmer, a winegrower, a hobby winegrower, a winegrowers' cooperative, a forestry business or a forestry institution and are you looking for an innovative and future-oriented company to support you in your needs?

    You are also at the right place if you want to use DJI Enterprise or Agriculture series products yourself but need support with procurement, flight permission and training.

The following advantages result for you:

  • Many times cheaper than conventional machining with machines
  • Centimeter precision application
  • Optimal in rough terrain
  • No soil compaction
  • Yield increase due to the elimination of lanes
  • It can be sown over seeds that have not yet been harvested to allow the subsequent crop to germinate underground

You have problems withGame damageor would like to have apersonal offer or apersonal consultation from one of ourqualified employees?

... Contact us about AgraCheck!

Preserve steep slopes

Our drones love rough terrain - they simply fly over it

In Baden-Württemberg, there is a total of approximately 27,000 hectares of vineyards, of which 7,000 hectares are steep slopes, 1200 hectares of which are purely hand-worked sites and 200 hectares that can only be supplied by helicopter. The cultivation of these 1200 hectares of hand-worked vineyards is currently carried out with an incredibly high effort of up to 1500 hours per hectare. Our aim is to preserve these steep and terraced sites, which are part of our culture, and to relieve the farmers with our innovative systems.

The following advantages result for you

  • Many times cheaper than conventional machining with machines.
  • no soil compaction.
  • No ground violation.
  • the growth height of the green strip between the rows is not relevant when applying by drone.
  • Centimeter accuracy of application - drift characteristics similar to conventional sprayers.
  • Thanks to a modern radar system, the height is consistently maintained, which guarantees a consistent result over the entire surface.
  • Crop protection products can be applied shortly after a rainy period, as there is no risk of slippage.


Upon request

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Sowing catch crops

Detection of game damage

Available drone types



Andre Geckeler


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