
Nutrient balance
Material flow balance
Recommendation algorithm
Manage Multiple Farms
Fertilization function
Biomass maps

A powerful farm management software with digital farmland index.
From sowing to harvesting, from planning to evaluation. With award-winning agricultural technology to success in the field.
Smartphone and mobile app ensure complete and easy recording of actions in the field. FARMDOK helps legal. documentation requirements for crop protection and fertilization and provides a basis for better decisions. We combine agricultural tradition and experience with state-of-the-art technology. Precision farming, satellite and weather data support the efficient. use of resources. In this way, FARMDOK helps farmers to manage their businesses successfully and sustainably in the digital age.

FARMDOK PLUS mobile index
The mobile field record offers the possibility to always keep an eye on one's own farming even on the road. With the mobile app, work can be recorded directly in the field, and the smartphone GPS can be activated to automate the recording. Reports that comply with legal regulations (CC, Greening, ÖPUL) can be generated at the touch of a button. This avoids duplication of work and saves valuable time. Professional, simple and efficient work is thus possible.

Farm Management System FARMDOK PREMIUM
FARMDOK PREMIUM offers a combination of functions of a farm management system and a digital field card index. It enables planning of the crop year through cultivation, crop rotation and fertilization planning. In addition, legal documentation requirements and quality & quality labels can be fulfilled. The status quo can be overviewed with the stock management and strike sheet. Cost transparency helps to raise hidden potentials and it is a good tool for professional farm management.

Farm Management System and more Precision Farming with FARMDOK PERFORMANCE
With FARMDOK PERFORMANCE, deeper insights into vegetation and soil can be gained to make data-based decisions. FARMDOK PERFORMANCE includes all the features of FARMDOK PREMIUM and more. Satellite imagery, soil samples and weather data can be used to study soil properties, yield potential and plant stress. The software allows fields to be managed on a subplot-specific basis for optimal crop results.

For contractors there is FARMDOK LOHN
FARMDOK LOHN offers a complete package for contractors. With the help of navigation, drivers can easily find the area to be worked and reliably complete the job. In addition, every work process is fully documented and the working and travel times as well as the area worked are automatically recorded with the smartphone GPS. This simplifies the accounting process. The result is an efficient contracting operation and satisfied customers.

82,50 €
per year for Plus Package + VAT
Gradation by package (Premium from 165,80€, Performance from 499€ per year excl. VAT*)
Free trial version
Different versions
Phone support
Mail support
Browser application
Place of data storage
Scope of functions
Field Registry
Work planning
Cultivation plan
Subarea management
Fertilization function
Application maps
Biomass maps
Soil samples
Fertilizer function
Fertilization planning
Nutrient balance
Material flow balance
Application maps functions
Application maps for fertilizers
Application maps for plant protection
Seed application maps
Recommendation algorithm
Contractor Management
User management
Employee Management
Access management
Manage Multiple Farms
Weather data
Warehouse management functions
Fleet Management
Documentation of machine times
Digital office
Cost accounting

Founding year: