Farmdroid ApS
Electric drive
Power (kW) • 0.8
Battery / tank capacity (working hours) • 24
Speed (km/h) • 0.95
Weight (kg) • 900
Legal requirements given

Automated, CO2-neutral sowing & hoeing robot.
The FarmDroid FD20 was developed with the aim of making weed control more effective and sustainable, using technology for the benefit of farmers and the planet.
The aim is, firstly, to make sowing and weed control easier and cheaper. Secondly, we will develop robots for the good of agriculture by meeting the expectations of global society: Reduction or elimination of CO2 emissions, use of agrochemicals and hard, repetitive work.
Compared to other systems, the FarmDroid FD20 does not rely on expensive and complicated camera systems.
It is the world's first fully automatic sowing and hoeing robot that can determine the position of each individual seed in advance by using high-precision GPS sowing and can therefore find the position again at every stage of development. This means that hoeing is possible both between the rows and in the row between the plants at any time. This makes the investment in a FarmDroid FD20 an attractive business case with a payback period of up to two years.

Upon request
Demonstration compatible
Modular expandable
Phone support
Mail support
On-site support
Remote maintenance
Browser application
Place of data storage
Electric drive
Power (kW)
Battery / tank capacity (working hours)
Speed (km/h)
Track width (mm)
Ground clearance (mm)
Weight (kg)
Transport system
Legal requirements given
Maximum lifting force (kg)
Areas of application
Working width (m)
Working capacity (ha/h)
Farmdroid ApS
Founding year: