fodjan GmbH

Fodjan Milchviehhalter

Access management

Overview feed stock

Creation of several stables

Feed databases

Milk performance test


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Manufacturer website

Feeding 360°

The fodjan platform brings everyone together in one place:Feeding advisors, farmers and technology and promotes your cooperation -conveniently on your laptop or via app. We network data intelligently and securely, from feed to ration and feeding to performance data. Why do we do this? We believe inData-supported animal feeding in a digitally connected future to provide the best possible complement to your experience.

All-round view in the feeding area:

  • Planning
  • Feeding
  • Documentation
  • Evaluation

For dairy farmers who want to get more out of their feed

Feed costs account for more than 50% of direct costs on a dairy farm. Targeted receivables management is therefore an important key to success.

Your advantages:

  • Promoting cow health
  • Save on feed costs
  • Improve collaboration and save time
  • Keeping an eye on milk yield
  • Using the farm's own feed more efficiently

Create and adjust rations quickly

    • Focus on the needs of the animal groups
    • Automatically import feed analyses

    • Use feed more effectively with ration suggestions
    • Create feed yourself or use database
  • Important key figures always to hand

    • Display of expected feed costs, performance and feed health for each ration of your dairy cows
    • Feeding evaluations e.g.
    • Consumption, feed intake and feed costs
    • Interactive online reports on milk yield, e.g. MLP and milk quality

    Less office time, less paperwork

    • Work flexibly via app or on the PC
    • Automatically transfer loaded quantities from the mixer wagon or maintain them via app
    • Manage milk yield, feed and livestock
    • Trace previously fed rations




    pro Monat

    Up to 100 cows: 49€ per month or 490€ per year | 100-700 cows: 59€ per month or 590€ per year | Over 700 cows: 69€ per month or 690€ per year

    Free trial version

    Free version

    Modular expandable

    Different versions


    This information has been reviewed and verified by the manufacturer. All data without guarantee.


    Setup Wizard

    Access management

    On his/her operation in fodjan, a user can invite other people to collaborate and distribute access rights, e.g. read-only rights. This facilitates coordination, saves time and everyone is up to date on what is currently being fed.

    Overview feed stock

    Creation of several stables

    Creation of several feeding groups



    LKV Sachsen Futterlabor, eurofins Agro DE, SGS Analytics, LKV BB Futterlabor, LUFA Nordwest, eurofins Agro NL, LUFA Rostock, LUFA Speyer

    Feed Mixing Technology

    Siloking Futtermischwagen, BvL DairyFeeder, PTM Wiegecomputer, CowConnect, BvL DairyFeeder 2

    Automatic milking systems

    (Beta) Lely Melkroboter, GEA Melkroboter, DeLaval Melkroboter

    Feed databases

    • fodjan feed database dairy cow
    • Feed database dairy cow for Germany (LKS)
    • LKV Saxony Feedingdatabase English
    • fodjan feed database US
    • fodjan feed database CH
    • fodjan feed database dairy cow NL
    • CVB Netherlands feed database

    Milk performance test

    Milk quality test




    Browser application



    Place of data storage

    24/7 protected servers in Germany, certified annually according to ISO 27001

    Planning functions

    Import of feed analysis possible

    Plant own feed

    Creation of own ration

    Ration Optimization Wizard

    Ration suggestions are provided based on animal requirements, available feeds on the farm, given framework conditions and the user's goals.

    Ration calendar

    Pre-planning of rations in the clear calendar

    Export options

    4 PDF variants from recipe to ration comparison

    Feeding Implementation Assistant

    The fodjan app lets you manage all rations and feed groups and, among other things, displays the daily updated ration in a step-by-step
    mixing recipe, thus supports the daily documentation of feeding and uses it to generate evaluations of feed consumption and mixing accuracy.


    Phone support

    Mail support

    On-site support

    Remote maintenance


    Documentation options


    Milk quantity and milk price


    Feed presentation, feed residue on feed table, DM content of mixed ration and concentrate consumption of the station

    Animal population

    Number of animals and average lactation day

    Export options


    Mixing accuracy

    Both in fodjan Pro and in the fodjan app, you can display the evaluation on mixing accuracy and feed consumption. This way you can always see how well the calculated and the fed ration match and where inaccuracies occur during feeding.
    The data on mixing accuracy comes from
    • Either from importing feed mixer data - see Feed Mixer Interface.
    • or from the "Feed now" function of the fodjan app

    Feed consumption

  • Both in fodjan Pro and in the fodjan app, you can display the evaluation on mixing accuracy and feed consumption. This way you can always see how well the calculated and the fed ration match and where inaccuracies occur during feeding.
  • Feeding controlling

  • With well-managed documentation, you get a good overview of relevant feeding key figures in the feeding controlling.
  • You can display the following evaluation in the feeding controlling in fodjan Pro:
    • Feed intake
    • feed costs
    • Feed efficiency
    • Nitrogen efficiency
    • Methanemission

    Automatic milking system

  • Animal-specific data of the automatic milking system are displayed here
  • Milk performance test

    Milk quality


    fodjan GmbH


    Founding year:


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