Fritzmeier Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Browser application
As-Applied Daten
Satellite images
Topographic data
Remote maintenance
Other • ISOXML, Shape

ISARIA CONNECT - Intelligent data management, blow by blow
ISARIA CONNECT offers access to satellite maps, temperature and precipitation data as well as the option of creating field-specific application maps. The basic functions are available free of charge and can be used as a means of crop management. All fields can be created in the application to simplify documentation. ISARIA CONNECT can be used independently of the ISARIA plant sensors.
Sub-area-specific management based on digital data
Satellite maps and sensor data provide information on the biomass growth and nitrogen saturation of the plants for the field areas created in ISARIA CONNECT. The maps are graphically divided into areas of varying strength or weakness. Based on this data, yield potentials can be determined and the application strategy can be planned on a site-specific basis for each field. These application maps can be exported in the manufacturer-independent ISOXML and SHAPE formats in order to transfer them to the tractor terminal.
- Access to satellite images, monitoring of temperature and precipitation trends - Simple calculation of application maps based on satellite maps or sensor data - Uncomplicated transfer of the job file to the tractor terminal - Can be used independently of the use of a plant sensor

0 €
Basic functions free of charge - Price depends on hectares when exporting application maps
Basic functions free of charge
Browser application
Desktop application
Phone support
Mail support
On-site support
Remote maintenance
Plant protection functions
Application maps for fungicides
Growth regulator maps
Application maps for herbicides
Application maps for insecticides
Recommendation application time
Recommendation plant protection products
Recommendation application quantity
Harvest functions
Maturity monitoring
Recommendation on harvest time
Other subarea-specific functions
Own accounting of different data bases
Equation based analysis
Consideration of distance requirements
Crop rotation planning
Soil Sampling Design
Lane planning
Economic zone evaluation
Weather history
Current weather data
Weather forecast
Field observation functions
Live biomass maps
Field comparison
Data layer comparison
Georeferenced notes in the field
Sharing of information possible
Watering functions
Irrigation maps
Recommendation watering time
Recommendation irrigation quantities
Seeding functions
Sowing maps
Recommendations sowing time
Recommendation sowing rates
Recommendation cultivar
Fertilizer functions
Fertilizer cards - basic fertilization
Fertilization maps - N fertilization
Recommendation fertilization time
Recommendation fertilizer quantities
Recommendation fertilizer
As-Applied Daten
Yield data
Satellite images
Ground sensors
Soil analyses
Topographic data
Weather stations
Type of data imports
Type of data exports
John Deere Operations Center

Fritzmeier Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Founding year: