Pessl Instruments GmbH

Browser application
Automatic pest detection
Mobile phone reception necessary
Type of energy supply • Batteries, Solar

Remote monitoring of insect printing saves time and optimizes the use of resources - producing more with less.
The iSCOUT® is an insect trap with integrated electronics (camera system, modem, power source with solar panel) and adhesive plate.
iSCOUT® is a combination of hardware and software solutions for remote monitoring of various insect pests. It is an insect trap with integrated electronics and an adhesive plate. Due to its light weight, it can be hung anywhere in the field. The device is self-sufficient as it is powered by a solar panel and a battery.
The 10 MP camera captures high-resolution images of the adhesive plate inside the iSCOUT®. The images are sent via LTE communication to the FieldClimate platform, where they are analyzed and further processed by an automatic pest detection system using AI and self-learning algorithms. All data from the camera system and AI software is displayed online. Each controller can also connect the following sensors: rain, temperature and relative humidity (Hygroclip) and leaf wetness.

iSCOUT PHEROMONE Designed and developed for insect trapping using insect-specific pheromone lures (codling moth, grape berry moth, tomato leaf miner and many other species). Includes a metal plate to which the adhesive film is applied. The specific pheromone must be ordered by the customer.

iSCOUT FRUIT FLY Designed and developed to catch fruit flies (cherry vinegar fly Drosophila suzukii, olive fruit fly). Includes 3mm netting at entrances so larger flies (house flies) and other non-target insects cannot enter the trap. Tank for bait and metal plate with adhesive backing are included. If you want to trap and monitor larger flies, you can remove the netting from the entrances.

Designed and developed for monitoring adhesive traps in different colors. The device has a high-resolution camera and a holder for an adhesive plate.
- blue: Flies, leaf miner, ...
- yellow: Leaf miner, western corn rootworm, common pollen beetle, ...
- white: white: apple sawfly, plum sawfly, plum fruit sawfly, raspberry beetle, ...

iSCOUT BUG Designed and developed for catching bugs (Marbled stink bug Halyomorpha halys and other species) with entry opening in the bottom and landing platform - pyramid trap and closed side entrances. Once the bug enters the trap, it cannot leave it and is held on the adhesive surface. Aggregation pheromones are placed in the trap to capture the H. halys.

Upon request
Different versions
Modular expandable
Browser application
Desktop application
Place of data storage
Phone support
Mail support
On-site support
Remote maintenance
Corn pests
Grape pests
Technical data
Type of energy supply
Automatic pest detection
Mobile phone reception necessary
Attachment type
Height adjustable

Pessl Instruments GmbH
Founding year: