Luda.Farm AB
Luda Fence Alarm 2

Browser application
Phone support
Mail support
Undervoltage alarm

In case of voltage drop in the electric fence, you will receive an alarm on your smartphone. So you can react quickly and prevent animal outbreak!
FenceAlarm is a fence sensor that monitors the voltage in your fence. In case of voltage disturbance, you can receive an alarm on your smartphone to prevent animal escape in time.
According to our experience, a farm with grazing animals saves on average about 50 man-hours per year with FenceAlarm. It is reassuring for any farmer to know that his animals are within the fenced pasture. The FenceAlarm device sends fence tension readings to your smartphone via our free app, MyLudaFar. Within the app there are additional ALARM+ features such as instant alarm when the fence voltage drops below a value you set and you get access to the fence voltage graph which chronologically records the fence voltage.
FenceAlarm can be used anywhere you have GSM network coverage. The My.Luda.Farm app is available for Android, IOS (Iphone), Windows and Mac.

- You can connect the FenceAlarm anywhere on your fence. The device is powered either by the built-in rechargeable battery (up to 2 months runtime) and alternatively by 220 V or 9 V.
- Voltage measurement starts when you connect the red clamp to the fence and the green clamp to the ground rod. Clamps and ground rod are included.
- The FenceAlarm has a free SIM card installed, which sends the voltage readings to the MyLudaFarmAp in your smartphone. In doing so, the card uses a strong GSM network independent of the operator. The farmer checks the fence voltage in the app, eliminating the need for on-site testing of the electric fence. ALARM+ functions warn in the app and on the cell phone in case of voltage drop in the fence and allow access to the fence voltage graph Voltage Graph.
This is how it works!
When the FenceAlarm's built-in power supply battery is low or if the FenceAlarm has not sent a reading to the My.Luda.Farm app for more than 24 hours, you will receive a notification on your smartphone. 12 months of the Alarm+ is included in the price of the device

ALARM+ additional option
The first year you have free access to the ALARM+ functions in the MyLudaFarmAp. After the first year you can continue to operate the FenceAlarm with the app for free in the standard version or with the ALARM+ functions (€60/year). In the standard version you get a daily update of the voltage value in the electric fence.
Voltage drop alarmalerts you and, if necessary, your employees in case of voltage drop in the electric fence. You save time and money if you can prevent an animal outbreak in time or if you notice a voltage drop due to voltage reduction by e.g. grass growth. Voltage reduction due to e.g. grass growth.
Fence Voltage Graph Voltage Graph The fence voltage graph continuously records the voltage. In the graph you can get an idea of how constant the voltage in the electric fence has been. You can see if there have been sudden voltage drops (e.g. animal outbreak) or if the voltage has gradually deteriorated (e.g. due to grass growth and bushes).
Fee: First year free, then 60€/year (equivalent to 5€ month).

Questions and answers
Question:How often does the FenceAlarm check the voltage in the fence? Antwort:With Alarm+ functions, the fence voltage is checked every minute if powered by an external power source. With power supply from the built-in battery, the voltage control is performed every ten minutes.
Question:GSM coverage in the area where my animals are is poor. Will the device work anyway? Antwort:First, check if a cellular network is available in the place where you want to place the device. If it is possible, check it also with other cell phones connected to different GSM operators. Luda.Fence will automatically connect to the GSM operator with the strongest signal in your area (operator independent).
Question:Can other people get access to my FenceAlarm? Antwort:Yes - you can assign user rights to colleagues and family members in the My.Luda.Farm app.
Question:With which electric fences does the FenceAlarm work? Antwort: The FenceAlarm works with all electric pasture fences on the market.
Question: What is the runtime of the FenceAlarm when operating with the built-in battery? Antwort: At 100% charge level, the runtime is up to 2 months. As soon as the battery charge level drops below 10%, you will receive a message in the My.Luda.Farm app on your smartphone.
219 €
Software available free of charge
Browser application
Desktop application
Place of data storage
Phone support
Mail support
Requirements and compatibilities
Resources needed
Type of data transmission
Maximum number of connected sensors
Power supply
Running time in battery mode
Built-in SIM card
Voltage measurement
Undervoltage alarm

Luda.Farm AB
Founding year: