Equanum GmbH


Direct marketing

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How it works

The Marktschwärmer network supports businesses from the presentation of products in online sales to active promotion in the local gusher. The network offers the opportunity to expand sales opportunities in direct sales and to attract new customers in the region. Customers have the possibility to order and pay online. The producers deliver the orders once a week to the Marktschwärmerei near you. This makes processing uncomplicated.

All advantages at a glance

Appropriate conditions

As a supplier, you yourself determine the selling price of your products and set an individual minimum order value. If this value is not reached, you are not obliged to deliver. Your sales are automatically credited within 10-15 days.

Risk free sale

They only deliver what has been ordered and paid for online in advance and only when the individual minimum order value has been reached. Unlike a weekly market, you will never have to return with unsold goods.

Short pick up times

Marktschwärmer customers can pick up their ordered products at the Schwärmerei, the distribution point, within just two hours. Long market hours are thus a thing of the past.

Personal support

The host of the local Schwärmerei is available to advise you and actively support the sale of your products. If you have any questions about the online platform, the Marktschwärmer team is also there for you.


You have seasonal fluctuations or short-term supply bottlenecks? No problem, at Marktschwärmer you can flexibly adapt your product catalog at any time to be able to react to all eventualities.


Upon request

Do you want a specific price? Get your individual offer now!



This information has been reviewed and verified by the manufacturer. All data without guarantee.


Browser application


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Platform type

Direct marketing


Equanum GmbH


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