Pessl Instruments GmbH


Real time weather data from the region

Weather forecast

Irrigation management

Connection to farm management systems

Employee Access

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The revolution in agriculture is now - adapting your farming activities to new practices

This is an entry-level weather station that comes withNB-IoT*:

  • Helps to measure the most important environmental parameters
  • helps prevent plant diseases and insect infestation
  • helps with time management (work planning, spraying, irrigation)
  • Helps you save time, resources and money
  • Reduces the harmful effects on the environment

Product variants

nMetos80: Air temperature and relative humidity CALCULATED: VDP, dew point, DeltaT

nMetos80SM:Air temperature and relative humidity, soil temperature, soil moisture, suction tension CALCULATED: VDP, dew point, DeltaT

nMetos100: Precipitation

nMetos180: precipitation, air temperature and relative humidity, CALCULATED: VDP, dew point, DeltaT, leaf wetness.

nMetos180SM: Precipitation, air temperature and relative humidity, soil temperature, soil moisture, suction tension CALCULATED: VDP, dew point, DeltaT, leaf wetness.

nMetos200: Precipitation, air temperature and relative humidity, leaf humidity CALCULATED: VDP, dew point, DeltaT.


Upon request

Do you want a specific price? Get your individual offer now!



This information has been reviewed and verified by the manufacturer. All data without guarantee.


Phone support

Mail support


Browser application

There are 3 variants of the software application:
  1. FieldClimate (Standard)
  2. FamView
  3. FarmView Satellite



Desktop application

Place of data storage


Agronomic assistance

Recommendation on sowing time

Recommendation on fertilization measures

Forecast harvest time

Climate assessment

Growth Degree Days

Refrigeration units

Refrigerated portions

Accumulated cold hours

Temperature sum

Wet bulb temperature


Dew point

Improving local forecasts

Frost forecast

Frost forecast


Basis of the prediction

MeteoBlue and long-term data of the last 25 years

Irrigation management

Irrigation management

Within the FieldClimate software, you can define and adjust a number of settings for irrigation management:
  • Calculate a user-defined average root zone soil moisture curve (the upper full set, known as the full point or field capacity, and the lower set or refill point).
  • Different sensor layers can be displayed in graphs in a variety of formats, including standard, stacked, or average.
  • Budget lines for full and refill points are color coded so users can clearly see the range of soil moisture for optimal management - red (deficit), green (comfort zone) and blue (excessive soil moisture).

Overview map irrigation sites

Irrigation History

Automatic control irrigation system

Disease Models

Disease forecasting

The climate is changing and farmers are spraying less for economic and legislative reasons. Some diseases are very difficult to control and timing of fungicide application is critical to keep diseases under control. We help growers around the world comply with the law and have a healthy crop.

Available diseases

85 diseases for 40 crops
Crops: Almond, apple, apricot, asparagus, avocado, banana, blackberry, blueberry, carrot, cherry, chili, lemon, coffee, corn, cucumber, eggplant, grape, hemp, lettuce, linen, mango, melon, mirabelle, Nectarine, Olive, Onion, Paprika, Peach, Pear, Pistachio, Plum, Potato, Pumpkin, Rapeseed, Raspberry, Rice, Soybean, Strawberry, Sugar Beet, Sunflower, Tomato, Walnut, Wheat, Zucchini

General data acquisition

Air temperature



In the product variant μMETOS SOIL RAIN LoRa

Soil temperature

Soil moisture

Leaf moisture

Dew point temperature

Stock moisture

Software functions

Weather forecast

The most accurate local weather forecast for your fields: Current and historical weather is important for understanding what might negatively impact our crops, while future weather data and forecasts are especially important for field operations planning and future practices.

Historical weather data

Real time weather data from the region

Notifications in case of value overrun

The iMETOS can also alert you in case of frost, heavy rain, heat, etc. via SMS message (user defined via internet).

Employee Access

Connection to farm management systems

John Deere Operations Center


Pessl Instruments GmbH


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