ROKO Farming


ROKO Farming GmbH & Co. KG
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The economic entry point for farmers into vertical food production.

The production container from ROKO Farming offers the possibility of theVertical Farming to integrate on their farm. Against the background of climate change and far-reaching EU regulations, the ROKOntainer allows you toFuture of agriculture help shape the future. Independent fromWater shortageand weather changes, with reduced andPlannable personnel expenses and long-term production planning, you harvest 365 days a year. This allows you to be a pioneer for acrisis-proof agriculture were.

Turnkey with the Plug and Produce Service

The plant is delivered turnkey to your yard - With thePlug and Produceservice, production can be started immediately. No setup times, no installation effort and seed service included. With a dailyWorkload of about 30 minutes produce high-quality microgreens for regional key accounts such as canteens, gastronomy or for their affiliated farm store.

Planning security for the future

On the basis ofStandard ISO Containern the production capacity can be adapted to your acceptance and expanded or reduced as required at any time. With the all-inclusive rental model, the risk for you is significantly reduced in the first few months. The economical entry into vertical farming is the ROKOntainer. Which innovations result from this is up to you.

Find out about your ROKOntainer now - we will be happy to advise you personally on site.


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Lighting system

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LED lighting with a PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) percentage of 92%. Reduced lighting time means reduced energy costs.

Irrigation system

Automated irrigation system during the growing season.




ROKO Farming GmbH & Co. KG

ROKO Farming

89081 Ulm

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