Vineyard Cloud GmbH


Fertilization planning

Automated DüV documentation

Vine School Module

Grape money calculation

Impact file

Crop protection solutions

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VYC is the solution for winegrowers, cooperatives, wineries, contractors and vine nurseries and digitizes all processes from the field to the bottled product.

Save valuable time and start into the future of viticulture!

In outdoor operation

With VYC One you have everything in view. The solution for winegrowers simplifies all processes in outdoor operations.

Digital impact file

Your digital impact file is the heart of all tasks in the company and makes valuable knowledge transparent: What has already been processed, how much has been sprayed? Everything is documented with VYC One.

Task management

Quick task or detailed planning? Create everyday tasks with one click and get started straight away. Or plan in advance, delegate tasks to the team in real time, assign machines and punches and nothing is forgotten. The team can work in the VYC app to track the progress of colleagues and coordinate perfectly on the field.

And you? Keep an eye on progress and costs at all times. Documentation? Already done. Times? Already recorded. Trigger follow-up tasks? Happens automatically.

Time recording

By starting, pausing and ending tasks, times are automatically recorded in detail. The evaluation with VYC One becomes child's play. Use VYC One with the "Time recording" module to meet the legal requirements for documenting working times.

Plant protection & DüV

Save valuable time - with VYC One, the documentation of plant protection and fertilizer regulations is automated during the tasks.

Warehouse & Devices

Thanks to VYC One, you can quickly see what is available or when you last booked in. Planned quantities are already factored in. You can also easily manage your equipment with VYC One. Retrofitted machines even have the option of documenting their routes and tasks directly.

The app

Thanks to the VYC app for Android and iOS, your team can coordinate perfectly while on the move - even in real time. Areas that have already been completed can be automatically transferred to subsequent tasks. The VYC app is easy to use and multilingual - for more efficiency in the field. Simply scan devices you have taken with you, record travel and field times and see the progress of tasks in real time.

For cooperatives & wineries

With the VYC Suite, members and administration work together efficiently and save valuable resources. You only write down the most important things, the rest is done by VYC.

Communication and processes can be mapped digitally, from the area survey form to the assessment, harvest planning and registration, member portal or grape money calculation - individually adapted to your business, regardless of whether you manage 1 or 7,000 areas.

You provide your members and suppliers with VYC Go provides a fully-fledged punch list.

The VYC Suite works fully networked with other interfaces to merchandise management systems or the cellar. Make data-based decisions and guide your business towards an efficient future.

For contractors

Creating delivery bills directly from the app, fast routes, uncomplicated appointment management, simple user interface - all this makes VYC Con to the digital all-rounder for contractors. Specially developed for viticulture.

For vine nurseries

With VYC Now you can mark your seedlings with centimeter precision and divide fields into rows. Set vines are marked with VYC Now documented separately in color.

With VYC You now have an overview of your stocks. Continuous quality assurance can be precisely documented in the failure figures.




per ha and year

Free trial version

Modular expandable


This information has been reviewed and verified by the manufacturer. All data without guarantee.




FarmUnited, KCWein, Soppe & Partner, Vinou, Pessl, Visiovitis

User management


Financial accounting

Cost accounting

Cost recording and analysis

Fleet Management

Machine orders

Machine times

Machine communication

Weather functions


Splashy weather


Browser application



Desktop application

Place of data storage

Hosting in Europe


Phone support

Mail support

On-site support

Remote maintenance


Fertilization function

Fertilization planning

List of fertilizers available on the market

Nutrient balance

Material flow balance

Automated DüV documentation


Member portal


Vine School Module

Grape money calculation

Contractor Management

Warehouse Management

Offline capability

Real-time synchronization

Scope of functions

Supported cultures

Wine, apple, any special crops

Impact file

Crop protection solutions

Metering, gauging, infestation - do you know this from somewhere?
VYC will do the explaining for you with your employees while helping you to calculate and purchase funds in the best way possible!
The calculation basis gross or net floor area, or gross or net sub-wall area? VYC offers you all four calculation bases. Find out how many hectares of actually planted vineyards you own. Adjust your budget accordingly and save money.

Work planning

Operating resources

Cultivation plan



Plant protection


Leaf netting models

Demand planning


Resistance management

Scalding quantity calculator

Growth Models

Plant Protection Products Approval List

Copper account

Area management

Field construction

Automatic area import

Lease management


Vineyard Cloud GmbH


Founding year:


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