Weenat GmbH




Growth Degree Days

Notifications in case of value overrun

Dew point

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WEENAT promises to be constantly connected to the cultivation.

WEENAT offers an installable weather station with the following data points:

  • Rain gauge
  • Temperatur
  • Air humidity
  • Bird protection
  • Available individually:

  • Rain gauge with temperature
  • Weather station with humidity and temperature only
  • Leaf wetness sensor
  • Frost sensor
  • Capacitive soil moisture sensors
  • Tensiometer
  • All agricultural meteorological data in the Weenat app

    Real-time sensors, custom alerts and personalized watering schedules

    Real-time rain and soil moisture sensors:

    The app provides real-time information on precipitation and soil moisture. This data can be used to determine when it is necessary to water plants.

    User-defined warning messages:

    WEENAT can send alerts when plants need watering or when too much water is being used. In this way, water consumption on the farm can be optimized.

    Personalized watering schedules:

    Based on specific site conditions and plant needs, the app creates personalized watering schedules to ensure that the plants receive enough water.

    Frost warnings and forecasts and recommended measures

    Frost warning:

    The Weenat app can give a warning when temperatures in the crops fall below freezing. These warnings can help to take precautions to avoid frost damage to plants or other objects.

    Recommended action:

    The Weenat app can also give recommendations on what measures you should take to avoid or minimize frost damage. For example, the app can tell you which plants are best protected against frost or what protective measures you should take for your pets when it's cold outside.

    Frost forecast:

    The app can provide a forecast for future temperatures. This can help you to prepare for frost conditions, for example by covering plants or protecting sensitive objects.

    Current weather data and forecasts and user-defined warnings

    Current weather data:

    The app provides access to current weather data that enables farmers and gardeners to better understand the conditions in their field or garden. For example, they can see whether there has been sufficient precipitation in the last few days or what the temperature is.

    User-defined warnings:

    The WEENAT app allows you to create customized alerts that respond to specific weather conditions.

    Weather forecasts:

    The WEENAT app also provides forecasts for future weather conditions. This can help them to plan their activities in advance, for example to decide when to irrigate their fields or when to plan harvesting activities.

    Apply crop protection products at the right time

    The WEENAT app provides access to current weather data and forecasts. This can help farmers and gardeners determine the best time to apply crop protection products. For example, a forecast of rain or wet weather may mean that an application of fungicides is required to prevent fungal infestation.




    Per piece


    This information has been reviewed and verified by the manufacturer. All data without guarantee.


    Phone support

    Mail support

    On-site support

    Remote maintenance



    Browser application

    2 software versions
    1) Weenat Essentiell
    Discover the Weenat app for 0€/month
    Weather data of your cultivation in real time
    • Precipitation amount
    • Temperatur
    • Humidity
    • Wind
    • Weather map
    • Rain radar
    • Weather forecast 4 days in advance
    • Connection to a network (test possibility for 1 month free of charge)
    Not possible: professional agricultural weather data (potential evapotranspiration, radiation, soil temperature, dew point, etc.).
    NOT possible: adding weather sensors : frost sensor, soil moisture sensors, leaf moisture sensor, etc.
    2) Weenat Plus
    All Weenat functions from 12€/month
    Weather data of your cultivation in real time
    • Precipitation amount
    • Temperatur
    • Humidity
    • Wind
    • Weather map
    • Rain radar
    • Weather forecast 4 days in advance
    • Connection to a network (test possibility for 1 month free of charge)
    • Automatic data transfer from your weather station to the main decision support tools (MCA) (Mileos, Avizio, Movida...).
    • Personalized weather notifications (via email, push notification service, call and / or SMS).
    • Weather data history of your cultivation
    Not possible: professional agricultural weather data (potential evapotranspiration, radiation, soil temperature, dew point, etc.).



    Place of data storage


    Climate assessment

    Growth Degree Days

    Refrigeration units

    Accumulated cold hours

    Temperature sum


    is displayed in the APP about spatial weather with

    Dew point

    is displayed in the APP about spatial weather with

    Frost forecast

    Frost forecast

    Frost sensor required Price: 440€

    Basis of the prediction

    Real-time measurements

    Irrigation management

    Irrigation management

    Crops for irrigation management


    Available irrigation indicators

    KPA and Volume in %

    Overview map irrigation sites

    Overview live irrigation

    Prediction optimal irrigation time

    Sub-area specific irrigation

    Irrigation History

    Disease Models

    Disease forecasting

    Recommendation treatment time

    General data acquisition

    Air temperature



    is displayed in the APP about spatial weather with

    Wind speed

    is displayed in the APP about spatial weather with

    Wind direction

    Wind gusts

    Soil temperature

    Soil moisture

    Irradiation values

    Leaf moisture

    • Leaf wetness sensor required
    • Price: 390€
    • Real-time measurement of the duration and intensity of wetting on the leaf surface (on a scale from 1 to 10) o Available soon. Notification when the threshold of humidification intensity is reached and decision support tool for the prevention of apple scab o Optimization of your PPPs o Anticipation of disease risks.

    Dew point temperature

    Stock moisture

    Software functions

    Weather forecast

    For the next 14 days

    Historical weather data

    Real time weather data from the region

    Notifications in case of value overrun

    For the next 14 days

    Integration of external stations possible

    Employee Access

    Connection to farm management systems

    • Maï'zy®
    • RIMpro
    • VitiMeteo
    • Weephyt
    • xarvio™ – Digital Farming Solutions


    Weenat GmbH


    Founding year:


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