Crop management software with insect control

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Fritzmeier Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Browser application

As-Applied Daten

Satellite images

Topographic data

Remote maintenance

OtherISOXML, Shape

Raiffeisen NetFarming

AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG

Recommendation fertilizer quantities

Fertilizer cards - basic fertilization

Recommendation fertilization time

Lane planning

Agvolution Logo

Agvolution Farmalyzer

Agvolution GmbH

Recommendation fertilizer

Fertilizer cards - basic fertilization

Equation based analysis

Live biomass maps

Climate Field View

Bayer AG

Weather history

Weather forecast

Irrigation maps

Yield data

Satellite images

Soil analyses


Flypard Analytics GmbH

Yield data

Ground sensors

Topographic data

Application maps for herbicides

Field comparison


BASF Digital Farming GmbH

Sowing maps

Current weather data

As-Applied Daten

Fertilizer cards - basic fertilization

Fertilization maps - N fertilization

Georeferenced notes in the field

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